These lessons are intended for students in kindergarten to grade 3 but can be adapted as needed to fit the group of students. The integrated-subject pedagogy fosters students' development of place and understanding the interconnectedness between human and non-humans. Each lesson starts with one subject in mind; however, all lessons are interdisciplinary, integrating learning from various subjects.
Big Ideas
We shape the local environment, and the local environment shapes who we are and how we live.
Confidence develops through the process of self-discovery.
Ecological principles (interdependence, community, diversity, cycles, feedback, adaptation, and emergence) can be used to deepen our understanding and relationship with the ecosystem.
Essential Questions
What is place?
How can you familiarize yourself with the local environment?
How do humans effect the environment?
How does the environment effect humans?
What basic needs do plants and animals have? Are they similar to human needs?
How do organisms adapt (physical and behavioural changes) to their environment?
How can we safely take risks inside and outside the classroom?