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Teaching Outdoor Education On-Call

Teaching Outdoor Education (OE) as an on-call teacher allows both educator and students to experience and learn alongside the the natural world, co-creating learning that benefits both humans and non humans. 

The seven ecological principles can be used as a framework for TOCs to implement OE into their teaching practice. Each principle represents a valuable part of teaching as a TOC and can help shape the way we facilitate outdoor learning. To read more, follow the link below to access the full article.

Edited Eco Principles for TOCs.png

Shifting Indoor Lessons to the Outdoors

When shifting a planned lesson from inside to outside, a TOC can consider the following acronym PLANTS:


Plans - What safety measures (boundaries, class rules, school contacts) are in place?

Lesson - How is the given lesson connected to the outdoors? Is the given lesson related to any other-than-human or natural phenomena in the natural environment?

Ability - Are there any considerations (e.g. behaviour support, physical challenges, notifying admin) necessary before moving outside? 

Noteworthy - Are students familiar with outdoor learning or show a desire to go outside? How can we work within and stretch their comfort zones? Will the OE lesson keep students engaged and on task?

Takeaway - What is the main goal of the lesson? Would shifting the lesson achieve the same goal?

Stuff - What materials are needed for the lesson? Can natural materials be used as manipulatives?


Flag on Mountain Peak

Challenges and Solutions to Implementing OE as a TOC

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